====Getting the Script==== wget http://gaby.rohost.com/curtin-img-builder.tar.gz tar -xzvf curtin-img-builder.tar.gz cd curtin-img-builder/bin ls -l build # our script ====Getting Prerequisites==== # to be used on ubuntu with virtualization capabilities sudo tasksel # select virtual machine host # for any other prerequisites the script may require sudo ./build --install-deps ====Better Mirrors==== The default mirrors make 200 kbps seem dreamy; change them from this file if you're not getting any younger: curtin-image-builder/contrib/centos/centos7/centos7-amd64.ks # lines 5 to 8 You can find CentOS mirrors [[http://www.centos.org/download/mirrors|here]]. ====Usage==== # basic usage example: sudo ./build --vcpus 2 -r 4096 -o /root/images --centos-edition 7 centos amd64 ====Adding them to MaaS==== # run as the MaaS user: maas root boot-resources create name=centos/7 architecture=amd64/generic filetype=ddtgz content@=/path/to/file