Welcome to Cloudbase Solutions Documentation Platform! ====== Projects ====== This is the current list of Cloudbase Solutions projects. Here you can find details about each one of them along with technical specs, procedures, known issues, workarounds and a lot of other useful information. * Cloud Images * Cloudbase-init * Cloudbase Nova Driver * Cloudbase Cinder Driver * Corriolis * Heat Templates * Hyper-C * Juju Charms * Juju Core for Windows * Openvswitch for Windows ====== Major Bugs and Workarounds ====== To report bugs, please use https://support.cloudbase.it/ Here we will post information and workarounds about bugs discovered. For advanced enterprise class support, consider a subscription from our Support Team. **NB:** When creating records for Bugs or Known Errors, please follow the template from [[cloudbase-internal:support-space:bug-kerr-template | here]]. ====== How to ====== Under this category you can find different instructions created by our technical teams. * [[maas|MaaS Instalation]] * [[juju|Working with Juju]] * [[juju-centos|CentOS on Juju and MaaS]] * [[juju-charms|Windows Juju Charms]] * [[juju-testing|Testing juju-core on windows]] * [[juju-manual|Juju manual provision windows machines]] For Internal Topics, check this [[cloudbase-internal|area]].