Using the Diskimage-Builder PowerShell script
This page thoroughly documents the use of this PowerShell script to obtain valid vdh/vhdx/qcow2 Windows disks from an installation .iso image.
Start a PowerShell session from :
> start powershell
Downloading and installing dependencies:
Download and install :
PS> (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$HOME\Git-1.9.0-preview20140217.exe")
PS> cmd.exe /C call $HOME\Git-1.9.0-preview20140217.exe /SILENT
For , download and install the latest tools(as of the making of this article, build date 08.01.2014):
PS> (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$HOME\qemu-w64-setup-20140801.exe")
PS> cmd.exe /C call $HOME\qemu-w64-setup-20140801.exe /SILENT
Add all dependencies to path, both to the environment variable and for the current session:
PS> $newPath = "$env:Path;${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Git\cmd;${env:ProgramFiles}\qemu"
PS> $env:Path = $newPath
PS> setx PATH $newPath
Getting the script:
PS> cd $HOME
PS> git clone
Running the script:
Start a new PowerShell session as administrator:
PS> Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs
Getting at the file of an :
PS> $mountpoint = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath C:\Absolute\Path\To\Your\Iso\Image.iso -PassThru
PS> $wimfilePath = ($mountpoint | Get-Volume).DriveLetter + ":\sources\install.wim"
# AFTER succesfully using the .wim in the script, don't forget to dismount the .iso:
PS> Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath C:\Absolute\Path\To\Your\Iso\Image.iso
Creating a or :
Note: For
.vhdx output, simply provide a VHDFile name with the
.vhdx extension.
PS> cd $HOME\windows-diskimage-builder\windows-diskimage-builder
# previous steps for obtaining the $wimfilePath are assumed to have been done
PS> .\diskimagebuilder.ps1 -SourceFile $wimfilePath -VHDFile $HOME\resultingDiskImage.vhd -VHDSize 16
The script tries to use tools from the HyperV module by default.
If for some reason HyperV is unavailable for import, the script will revert to using DiskPart which is present on all Windows systems.
Should the above occur, the script will initially spew out a couple of errors but will continue to run properly after the fallback to DiskPart.
Creating a :
PS> .\diskimagebuilder.ps1 -SourceFile $wimfilePath -VHDFile $HOME\resultingDiskImage.vhd -VHDSize 16 -OutputFormat qcow2 -VirtIOPath C:\Absolute\Path\To\VirtIO.iso
If operating on qcow2's; applyiong the drivers from the VirtIO .iso is absolutely necessary
Even when creating a .qcow2, the name of the resulting file must have the .vhd extension, lest DiskPart will fail at processing it.
After the execution of the script, the result will indeed be a .qcow2 as the script puts the proper extension towards the end of its execution.
If for some reason after attempting to create a
.qcow2 diskimage you see that no output file was produced, it is because of a failure to call qemu and the script deleting the output by default. To try and debug such a problem, type "
qemu-img.exe" in the PowerShell prompt and see what happens:
Script parameters and options:
-SourceFile C:\Path\To\Wim\File.wim
-VHDFile C:\Path\To\Output\File.vhd
absolute path to the script's output file;
must have the .vhd extension initially, even when creating a qcow2.
if qcow2 is selected, output's extention is changed to ".qcow2" automatically.
represents the exact path to the output file, which must NOT exist beforehand.
-VHDSize 16
maximum size in GB of the resulting vhd/qcow2 image
for most Windows installations, I reccommend at the very least 12, prefferably 16.
all output disks are resizeable, so initial size of output may be a lot less than this value.
-UnattendedPath C:\Absolute\Path\To\Unattended.xml
path to the .xml file which is to be used in unattended mode.
default is the Unattended.mxl that can be found right beside the script.
the .xml file is placed directly in the root directory of the created image.
-DriversPath C:\Absolute\Path\To\Drivers\Folder
path to a folder containing drivers that are to be added to the disk.
default is none, in which case no additional drivers will be added to the disk image.
-VirtIOPath C:\Absolute\Path\To\VirtIO.iso
path to a VirtIO .iso from which VirtIO drivers mean to be installed.
default is none, in which case no additional drivers will be installed to the disk image.
-Feature feature
feature to be enabled in the final disk image (ex: TFTP, IIS-WebServer, etc...)
this script only specifically enables one feature per image, the default being none.
the feature are enabled in the image by
DISM.exe, for a full list of features, please review
this webpage.
-Index 3
index of the .wim supplied as input, if applicable.
default value is 1 and it will work in the vast majority of cases.