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heat-windows [2014/02/10 14:14]
admin [Password-less authentication]
heat-windows [2014/04/14 22:23] (current)
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 A partial solution for avoiding the need to specify clear text passwords as template parameters is to deploy a keypair in the instance, use the public key to encrypt the sensitive data and subsequently the private key during user data script execution for decryption. The main security limit of this option is that all instances of a given image will share the same keypair. A partial solution for avoiding the need to specify clear text passwords as template parameters is to deploy a keypair in the instance, use the public key to encrypt the sensitive data and subsequently the private key during user data script execution for decryption. The main security limit of this option is that all instances of a given image will share the same keypair.
 +==== Volumes ====
 +New volumes are attached unpartitioned, so they are not directly visible from applications or command line.
 +A new volume must be set online, initialized and partitioned. New partitions need also to be formatted and if necessary a drive letter can be assigned as well.
 +The following example performs all the required activities, including assigning the "E" drive letter to the new partition, labelled "Volume1". In case an automatic drive letter assignment should be preferred, just replace -DriveLetter <letter> with -AssignDriveLetter.
 +<code powershell>
 +$d = Get-Disk | where {$_.OperationalStatus -eq "Offline" -and $_.PartitionStyle -eq 'raw'}
 +$d | Set-Disk -IsOffline $false
 +$d | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle MBR
 +$p = $d | New-Partition -UseMaximumSize -DriveLetter "E"
 +$p | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "Volume1" -Confirm:$false
 ==== Install ISOs ==== ==== Install ISOs ====
heat-windows.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/04/14 22:23 by admin