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How to deploy Hyper-V CI in one hour or less

This guide assumes that you already have a MaaS environment set up and working with windows images uploaded. If you do not, head over to How to deploy MAAS, finish that and come back when you are finished.


  • MaaS set up
  • At least 5 nodes registered in MaaS
  • MaaS API Key (found at http://MAAS_IP/MAAS/account/prefs/)
  • Gerrit account
  • Upstream port 29418 must be accessible
  • A VLAN range large enough to allow tempests tests to run successfully. This vlan range needs to be allocated before the job starts, and it needs not to conflict with any other job.
  • A list of MAC addresses that represent data-ports and external-ports. This is how the deployer correctly configures networking on the nodes.

We are going to go through all the steps required to stand up a new Hyper-V CI. At the end of this guide, you should have:

  • one Zuul server
  • one jenkins server configured to connect to zuul
  • one active directory controller
  • various devstack and hyper-v nodes deployed by jenkins jobs

What's missing:

  • High availability
  • Log collection

There is some level of manual configuration currently required, which will be automated in the future (relation between jenkins and zuul to take care of configuring the gearman connection for example).

Deploying juju

First things first. We need a working juju environment to start things off.

We should strive to use the latest stable juju when deploying a new CI environment. However, if any blocking bugs arise, a bug report should be filed against juju-core. Blocking bugs are usually fixed and backported to stable promptly.

  • adding the juju stable ppa:
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:juju/stable
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y juju-core
sudo apt-get install -y juju-deployer
  • create a juju config boilerplate
juju init
  • edit the boilerplate located at $HOME/.juju/environments.yaml and set the following configuration:
      type: maas
      maas-server: 'http://<ip>/MAAS/'
      maas-oauth: '<Key you got from http://<MAAS IP>/MAAS/account/prefs/>'
      bootstrap-timeout: 1800
      enable-os-refresh-update: true
      enable-os-upgrade: true
  • switch to MaaS environment
juju switch maas
  • bootstrap juju
juju bootstrap --debug --show-log

:!: If you have any troubles bootstrapping and you need to retry, you have to destroy the environment and run the above command again:

juju destroy-environment maas --force -y
  • check your environment
juju status --format tabular

You should see something like:

ubuntu@ubuntu-maas:~$ juju status --format tabular


ID         STATE   VERSION DNS               INS-ID                                                         SERIES HARDWARE                           
0          started 1.24.3  likable-rock.maas /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-ad58279e-1aab-11e5-bdef-d8d385e3761a/ trusty arch=amd64 cpu-cores=16 mem=32768M 

Deploying the infrastructure

Next, we need to deploy jenkins, zuul and active-directory. Jenkins charm exists upstream, and we will use it. The zuul charm is custom made for this CI, and not yet uploaded to the charm store so we need to clone it our github repository.

So lets clone necessary charms locally:

sudo apt-get install -y git
mkdir -p ~/charms/trusty && cd ~/charms/trusty
git clone zuul
mkdir -p ~/charms/win2012r2 && cd ~/charms/win2012r2
git clone active-directory
cd active-directory

This bit of the CI rarely changes, so once deployed we will probably not touch it to often.

Now lets deploy the charms. Navigate to the charms folder:

cd ~/charms

and create a file called infra.yaml with the following content (edit where necesarry):

    num_units: 1
    charm: cs:trusty/jenkins
      password: SuperSecretPassword
      plugins: "gearman-plugin throttle-concurrents parameterized-trigger"
    num_units: 1
    charm: local:trusty/zuul
      username: hyper-v-ci
      ssh-key: |
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      git-user-email: ""
      git-user-name: "hyper-v-ci"
    num_units: 1
    charm: local:win2012r2/active-directory
      domain-name: "hyperv-ci.local"
      password: "Nob0dyC@nGuessThisAm@zingPassw0rd^"

Using that file we will now deploy our charms. Take note, charms will be configured to use the information you provide.

At the end you should have something like this:

$ juju status --format tabular
NAME             STATUS  EXPOSED CHARM                              
active-directory unknown false   local:win2012r2/active-directory-1 
jenkins          unknown false   cs:trusty/jenkins-4                
zuul             unknown false   local:trusty/zuul-0                

active-directory/0 unknown        idle        1.24.3  1       1-65535/tcp,1-65535/udp another-month.maas              
jenkins/0          unknown        idle        1.24.3  2       8080/tcp                stunning-digestion.maas         
zuul/0             unknown        idle        1.24.3  3                               exalted-nerve.maas              

ID         STATE   VERSION DNS                     INS-ID                                                         SERIES    HARDWARE                           
0          started 1.24.3  likable-rock.maas       /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-ad58279e-1aab-11e5-bdef-d8d385e3761a/ trusty    arch=amd64 cpu-cores=16 mem=32768M 
1          started 1.24.3  another-month.maas      /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-b092b82a-1aab-11e5-b839-d8d385e3761a/ win2012r2 arch=amd64 cpu-cores=16 mem=32768M 
2          started 1.24.3  stunning-digestion.maas /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-b1c505a4-1aab-11e5-bdef-d8d385e3761a/ trusty    arch=amd64 cpu-cores=16 mem=32768M 
3          started 1.24.3  exalted-nerve.maas      /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-b2499210-1aab-11e5-b839-d8d385e3761a/ trusty    arch=amd64 cpu-cores=16 mem=32768M 

The zuul charm sets up most of what we need automatically. However, given that jenkins allows the user to create arbitrary jobs, the layout.yaml may not fit with the job names you created. So after creating the jenkins jobs (not yet automated), you will need to tweak the layout.yaml for zuul.

Preparing Jenkins

Install prerequisites

At this point, jenkins should be set up, including all the required plugins. We still need to clone the tools that will deploy the actual tests. This will also be automated in the future. There are a few areas that the upstream charm does not cover, which warrants a fork. For now, lets do it manually:

juju ssh jenkins/0

you will automatically be logged in with the ubuntu user. This user has sudo rights. Lets set up some prerequisites:

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:juju/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install juju-deployer juju-core python-gevent python-jujuclient git
sudo -u jenkins -i
mkdir ~/scripts && cd ~/scripts
git clone
cd common-ci && git checkout redmondridge
sudo ln -s /var/lib/jenkins/scripts/common-ci/deployer/ /usr/bin/ci-deployer

Configure Jenkins

With the prerequisites set up, we need to configure jenkins. Lets start by configuring the gearman connection. Both this and setting up the jenkins jobs are done via the web UI for now. This will change when we fork the charm to allow defining jobs and configuring plugins we need from the charm itself. Find out the jenkins address:

juju status --format oneline jenkins

This should show you the public address of the jenkins nodes deployed:

$ juju status --format oneline jenkins

- jenkins/0: stunning-digestion.maas (started) 8080/tcp

If you've set up the MaaS node as your local resolver, then you should be able to resolve the randomly generated hostname (stunning-digestion.maas in this case). If not, you can resolve it by simply doing:

nslookup stunning-digestion.maas <maas ip>


nslookup stunning-digestion.maas

Name:	stunning-digestion.maas

Navigate over to and log in using:

  • username: admin (default)
  • password: SuperSecretPassword (the one specified in infra.yaml)

Now lets check that jenkins can connect to the gearman server provided by zuul. First we need to get the zuul address:

ubuntu@ubuntu-maas:~$ juju status --format line zuul

- zuul/0: exalted-nerve.maas (started)

Navigate to the jenkins configuration page:

and search for gearman:

Click on Test connection to make sure jenkins can connect, and save the settings.

Create jenkins job

Time to set up the jenkins jobs.

Click on Create new job:

Select Freestyle project and set “nova-hyperv-tempest” as a name:

Select Add build step, and select “Execute Shell”:

Add the following content to the job:

function exec_with_retry () {
    local max_retries=$1
    local interval=${2}
    local cmd=${@:3}
    local counter=0
    while [ $counter -lt $max_retries ]; do
        local exit_code=0
        eval $cmd || exit_code=$?
        if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
            return 0
        let counter=counter+1
        if [ -n "$interval" ]; then
            sleep $interval
    return $exit_code
set -x
set +e
ci-deployer deploy --zuul-uuid $ZUUL_UUID --zuul-branch $ZUUL_BRANCH --zuul-ref $ZUUL_REF --zuul-url $ZUUL_URL --zuul-change $ZUUL_CHANGE --zuul-project $ZUUL_PROJECT --nr-devstack-units 1 --nr-hyperv-units 2 --data-ports "<space delimited list of MAC>" --extenal-ports "<space delimited list of MAC>" --vlan-range "<start>:<end>" --hyper-v-extra-python-packages "setuptools SQLAlchemy==0.9.8 wmi oslo.i18n==1.7.0 pbr==1.2.0" --devstack-extra-packages "build-essential libpython-all-dev python-all python-dev python3-all python3.4-dev g++ g++-4.8 pkg-config libvirt-dev" --devstack-extra-python-packages "networking-hyperv" --devstack-enabled-services "rabbit mysql key n-api n-crt n-obj n-cond n-sch n-cauth neutron q-svc q-agt q-dhcp q-l3 q-meta q-lbaas q-fwaas q-metering q-vpn g-api g-reg cinder c-api c-vol c-sch c-bak s-proxy s-object s-container s-account heat h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw h-eng tempest" --devstack-disabled-services "horizon n-novnc n-net n-cpu ceilometer-acompute" --devstack-enabled-plugins "networking-hyperv|" --ad-domain-name cloudbase.local --ad-admin-password Passw0rd --nr-ad-units 1
if [[ $build_exit_code -eq 0 ]]; then
	#run tempest
	source nodes
	project=$(basename $ZUUL_PROJECT)
	exec_with_retry 5 2 ssh -tt -o 'PasswordAuthentication=no' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -i ~/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa ubuntu@$DEVSTACK "git clone /home/ubuntu/common-ci"
	exec_with_retry 5 2 ssh -tt -o 'PasswordAuthentication=no' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -i ~/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa ubuntu@$DEVSTACK "git -C /home/ubuntu/common-ci checkout redmondridge"
	exec_with_retry 5 2 ssh -tt -o 'PasswordAuthentication=no' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -i ~/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa ubuntu@$DEVSTACK "mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/tempest"
	ssh -tt -o 'PasswordAuthentication=no' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -i ~/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa ubuntu@$DEVSTACK "/home/ubuntu/common-ci/devstack/bin/ --include-file /home/ubuntu/common-ci/devstack/tests/$project/included_tests.txt --exclude-file /home/ubuntu/common-ci/devstack/tests/$project/excluded_tests.txt --isolated-file /home/ubuntu/common-ci/devstack/tests/$project/isolated_tests.txt --tests-dir /opt/stack/tempest --parallel-tests 4 --max-attempts 4"
	exec_with_retry 5 2 ssh -tt -o 'PasswordAuthentication=no' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -i ~/.juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa ubuntu@$DEVSTACK "/home/ubuntu/devstack/"
#collect logs form Windows nodes
#collect logs from devstack node
#upload logs to logs server
#destroy charms, services and used nodes.
ci-deployer teardown --zuul-uuid $ZUUL_UUID
if [[ $build_exit_code -ne 0 ]]; then
	echo "CI Error while deploying environment"
	exit 1
if [[ $clone_exit_code -ne 0 ]]; then
	echo "CI Error while cloning the scripts repository"
	exit 1
if [[ $checkout_exit_code -ne 0 ]]; then
	echo "CI Error while checking out the required branch of the scripts repository"
	exit 1
if [[ $tests_exit_code -ne 0 ]]; then
	echo "Tempest tests execution finished with a failure status"
	exit 1
if [[ $cleanup_exit_code -ne 0 ]]; then
	echo "CI Error while cleaning up the testing environment"
	exit 1
exit 0

There are a few things you should remember about this job:

  • the VLAN range needs to be computed before the job starts
  • the MAC address list needs to be known beforehand.
  • the extra python packages should be used only during CI quirkiness (requirements include a bad version of PBR for example).

In this PoC, we have a static list of MAC addresses and VLAN ranges, but this should be queried from a single source of truth (say an API that hosts resources such as VLAN ranges and MAC addresses).

Configuring up Zuul

As mentioned before, this is a manual step that will change once we integrate the jenkins and zuul charms. For now lets make sure layout.yaml is correctly configured. Edit /etc/zuul/layout.yaml and set the following content:

  - python-file:

  - name: check
    description: Newly uploaded patchsets enter this pipeline to be validated. Voting is neutral, only comments with results are sent.
    failure-message: Build failed. For rechecking only on the Hyper-V CI, add a review comment with check hyper-v
    manager: IndependentPipelineManager
    precedence: low
        - event: patchset-created
        - event: change-restored
        - event: comment-added
          comment_filter: (?i)^(Patch Set [0-9]+:)?( [\w\\+-]*)*(\n\n)?\s*(recheck|reverify|check hyper-v)
    dequeue-on-new-patchset: true

  - name: ^.*$
    parameter-function: set_log_url
  - name: nova-hyperv-tempest
    voting: false
  - name: neutron-hyperv-tempest
    voting: false
  - name: check-noop
    voting: false

  - name: openstack/nova
      - nova-hyperv-tempest

Save the file and restart zuul:

restart zuul-merger
restart zuul-server
howto-hyperv-ci.1439206666.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/10 14:37 by gsamfira