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This page explains how to bootstrap using Juju 2.0 and deploy charms. The procedure is slightly changed compared to 1.2x.x Juju versions. Before proceeding make sure you generated Juju tools as explained at, section Generating local tools and copy them in the root directory of a web server. We'll use the url for agent-metadata-url.

Bootstrapping steps for MAAS provider:

  • Create a yaml file with cloud properties and credentials:
    type: maas
    auth-types: [oauth1]
    endpoint: 'http://<MAAS_IP>/MAAS/'
    agent-metadata-url: "<AGENT_METADATA_URL>"
    agent-stream: "<devel/released>" # <-- depending whether you use production branches or not. "released" is for production and "devel" for dev branches
    disable-network-management: false
    enable-os-refresh-update: true
    enable-os-upgrade: false
    default-series: trusty
      auth-type: oauth1
      maas-oauth: '<MAAS_AUTH_KEY>'
  • Add new cloud
juju add-cloud maas <yaml_file_path> --replace # <-- the yaml path must correspond to the one created above 
  • Add cloud credential
juju add-credential maas -f <yaml_file_path>
  • Bootstrap
juju bootstrap maas maas --debug --constraints "<CONSTRAINTS>" --show-log --config agent-metadata-url='<AGENT_METADATA_URL>' --bootstrap-series='trusty'

Deploying charms:

When deploying charms you must specify the full path to the charm directory and also the series desired (if not already specified in metadata.yaml). Syntax:

juju deploy /path/to/charm --series trusty

In juju 2.0 you can deploy bundles directly via juju deploy. Syntax:

juju deploy /path/to/bundle/openstack/bundle.yaml

Bundle example: (slightly changed from the one used by with juju-deployer)

For additional information see official docs:

juju-2.0.1462304749.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/03 22:45 (external edit)