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Installing rct-service

This guide will walk you through installing `rct-service` from source on a fresh installation of Windows Server 2016 and above.

Download the binary

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$cli = New-Object "System.Net.WebClient"
$cli.DownloadFile("", "$env:USERPROFILE\")

Extract files:

Expand-Archive $env:USERPROFILE\ -DestinationPath $env:USERPROFILE\rct

The RCT service requires some x509 certificates. All traffic is over HTTPS. You may use whichever method you want to generate them.

For your convenience, the gen-certs.exe application can generate a proper CA and server/client certificates in one go. The pre-compiled binary can be downloaded from here

$cli.DownloadFile("", "$env:USERPROFILE\")
Expand-Archive "$env:USERPROFILE\" -DestinationPath "$env:USERPROFILE\rct"

Generate certificates

& "$env:USERPROFILE\rct\gen-certs.exe" -certificate-hosts ",localhost" -output-dir "$env:USERPROFILE\rct"

You should now have a bunch of certificates in `$env:USERPROFILE\rct`

Create Rocket.toml

Rocket looks for it's config in the current working directory. If none is found, it will go one level up and look there. It will keep doing this until it reaches the filesystem root.

We will be writing the config in the root of the filesystem. Because I am lazy, and I have no idea what the CWD is for a windows service.

Expand the full path to the certificates:

ls $env:USERPROFILE\rct

In my case it's `C:\Users\Administrator\rct`.

$config = @"
# Use something else
auth_key = "swordfish"
address = ""
port = 6677
certs = "C:/Users/Administrator/rct/srv-pub.pem"
key = "C:/Users/Administrator/rct/srv-key.pem"
Set-Content C:\Rocket.toml $config
WARNING: Notice we are using forward slashes in the config!
WARNING: Depending on your client, you may need to concatenate the `ca-pub.pemwithsrv-pub.pem`

Install the service

New-Service -Name rct-service `
  "C:\Users\Administrator\rct\OpenStackService.exe rct-service C:\Users\Administrator\rct\rct-service.exe" `
  -DisplayName rct-service -StartupType Automatic

Start service

Start-Service rct-service
setting-up-rct-service.1560445030.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/06/13 19:57 by gsamfira